As businesses grow and expand their footprint, an area that is often neglected is the requirement to bring in discipline in areas of finance, human resource management operations. At Advith Consulting, we follow a 4-step EASE Approach. E – Understand existing processes , A – Analyze the gaps S – Set up SOP’s , E – Effective Implementation
Often, it is not until something goes wrong that an organisation realises that it is has ineffective internal controls. Further, there is also a misconception among organisations that internal controls are needed only to satisy the statutory auditor. Strong internal controls play a crucial role in the success of any organisation. They enhance efficiency, ensure compliance, streamline operations & facilitate growth. Irrespective of the size of your organisation, defining processes, identifying risks & establishing controls are essential. At Advith, we understand the business of the entity and build strong yet agile processes to ensure that they stand the test of time.
Here are some key activities we focus on in our CFO services.
Understand the business of the entity & identify the requirements of the entity with respect to the finance function
Analyze past financial data to uncover trends and obtain insights
Establishing the Modus Operandi of the finance function
Implement financial strategies and manage day-to-day operations